Take A1 to Aranda de Duero
In Aranda, take C-111 direction to Salas de los Infantes, passing through Peñaranda de Duero and Huerta del Rey
Once reached the N-234, follow Burgos direction to Salas de los Infantes (13 km)
Take A1 to the junction of the N-234 (Sarracín, 8 km)
Continue on the N-234 direction Soria to Salas de los Infantes (46 km)
Follow N-234 Burgos direction to Salas de los Infantes (approx. 90 km)
Take A62 direction Burgos
When arriving to Burgos capital, take A1 direction Madrid to the junction of the N-234 (Sarracín, 8 km)
Continue on the N-234 direction Soria to Salas de los Infantes (46 km)